Goa & Konkan regions 1st Interventional Pulmonologist.

Our Medical Approach


The Science & Technique of Interventional Pulmonology is a recognized discipline offering advanced minimally invasive procedures to diagnose & treat cancers, airway and lung diseases.


Minimally Invasive & Non -Surgical Treatment of the following cancers accociated with Lungs

Cancer of Lungs & Other Cancers Spreading to Lungs


Minimally Invasive Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Infections & Diseases of the lungs

Endobronchial Ultrasound - EBUS 



Minimally Invasive Diagnosis of Lung Cancer , Bleeding & Airway Obstructions

Flexible & Rigid Bronchoscopy 



Minimally Invasive Procedure for external Lung & Pleural space examination and biopsy




Abour Dr Prabhu Prasad N C

Unparalleled Expertise
Exceptional Care

Dr. Prabhu Prasad N C has a degree in medicine and surgery from the University of RGUHS, Bangalore & a Master’s degree in Pulmonary medicine from BFUHS, Punjab. He undertook further specialized training and received a DNB – a Post Graduate degree in Respiratory diseases from Army Hospital(Research and Referral) New Delhi. He had super-specialty training in Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology from the prestigious Christian Medical College, Vellore(CMC, Vellore). 


Fellowships & Memberships

Bchronschoscope Background

Conditions We Treat

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer poses difficult situation in confirmation of diagnosis requiring advanced technical tools and minimally invasive techniques to take biopsies.

Lung Nodules

Lung nodules are mass surrounded by lung tissue & are seen as spots on the lung less than 3 centimeters in size.

Pleural Effusions

Pleural effusion sometimes referred to as “water on the lungs,” is the build-up of excess fluid between the layers of the pleura outside the lungs.

Airway Obstructions

Airway obstruction is a blockage in any part of the airway. An obstruction may partially or totally prevent air from getting into your lungs.

Airway Malacia

Tracheobronchomalacia is a condition where the airways are excessively collapsible due to the flaccidity of the supporting tracheal cartilage

Airway Stenosis

Airway Stenosis is the narrowing of the trachea, often called the windpipe, which connects the nose and mouth to the lungs. 

Enlarged Lymph Nodes

 Lymph nodes can become enlarged for many reasons, such as infection, inflammation, and cancer.

Foreign Body Removal

Foreign bodies can enter the trachea and lodge into the large airways resulting in cough and shortness of breath. This can life-threatening event especially for young children with smaller diameters of airway size.

Play Video

What Is Interventional Pulmonology

A Video explanation by
Dr Prabhu Prasad N C

Interventional pulmonology (IP), a recognised discipline of pulmonary medicine, which primarily focuses on using minimally invasive procedures and therapeutic techniques to diagnose and treat conditions in the lungs and chest. IP procedures usually use endoscopic and allied techniques which have exceptional outcomes and offer patients the potential benefits of avoiding more invasive surgery.

Case Studies

Setting Benchmarks in
Interventional Pulmonology


Our Patients
Their Stories & Experiences

Mr Shelke

Post Covid Patient
I breathed huge sigh of relief, after freeing from 6 months of a tube inside of my chest. Thanks to Dr. Prabhu Prasad for his excellent, innovative and non-operative bronchoscopic technique to close the leakge and seal the hole which resulted from my recent severe covid pneumonia. He brought me new hope to live when i thought it was end of my life. I am very much grateful and thankful for getting this procedure conducted by the expert hands.

Mr Rane

Advanced Cancer Patient
I was out of breath and landed in ICU when my right side chest was filled with huge amount of water because of advanced cancer.Me and my family were even worried when we got to know that this water filling is continuous and keeps on refilling. Until we met Dr.Prabhu Prasad N.C , when he suggested a kind of permanent solution to stop refilling of water inside my chest with special type of very thin and smooth silicone tube,after the small painless procedure by his skilled hands now all the water is cleared and refilling is stopped giving me chance to breathe easily. After about 3months now I can think of continuing my chemotherapy and lead a normal life .

Mr Dima

Advanced Cancer Patient
I was so fortunate to meet Dr Prabhu Prasad while i was looking for a specialist who does this rare kind of procedure which will block my fistulous communication between food pipe and wind pipe. Many doctors told me to go to Mumbai and other major cities because they are still unware of the availability of this service in goa. After so many months i could get proper food and also i could breathe since the hole which was created because of cancer is now taken care of.I am bact to my routine work and treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ on
Interventional Pulmonology

Interventional Pulmonology is a fairly new but advance sub-specialty of Pulmonary medicine-  It’s only natural for you to have questions about Interventional Pulmonology vs traditional surgical techniques.

Although it is always a good idea to discuss your concerns with your surgeon, you can find answers to some frequently asked questions here.

1. What is Interventional Pulmonology?

Using minimally invasive techniques, we visualize, biopsy and stage lung and thoracic tumors. In doing so, we can minimize the risk of more invasive treatments. Critical biopsy procedures using interventional techniques are easier and more accurate, and can treat areas in the lungs that would otherwise be inaccessible without surgery.

Interventional pulmonology can provide immediate relief to patients with cancer of the trachea or windpipes (right or left bronchus), meaning there may be no need to wait for chemotherapy or radiation before the airway can be opened.

2. What is Bronchoscopy?

It is a medical procedure by an medical instrument called bronchoscope which  is a thin, tube-like instrument with a light and a lens used for viewing. It may also have a tool designed to remove tissue that can later be examined for signs of disease. The bronchoscope is inserted through the nose or mouth and used to examine the inside of the trachea, bronchi and lungs

3. What is Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) ?

EBUS (endobronchial ultrasound) bronchoscopy is a procedure used to diagnose different types of lung disorders, including inflammation, infections or cancer. Performed by a pulmonologist, EBUS bronchoscopy uses a flexible tube that goes through your mouth and into your windpipe and lungs. 

EBUS combines bronchoscopy with ultrasound imaging. It helps to safely evaluate chest lymph nodes by providing a biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes under direct visualization.


4. What is Thoracoscopy?

Thoracoscopy is a procedure a doctor uses to look at the Pleural space inside the chest (outside of the lungs). This is done with a thoracoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a light and a small video camera on the end. The tube is put in through a small cut made near the lower end of the shoulder blade between the ribs. 

5. What is Bronchoscopic biopsy ?

These are down-the-throat biopsies involve guiding tools down your throat into wind-pipe or esophagus.

What Is It?

A minimally invasive procedure that uses a bronchoscope to collect tissue samples from the lungs in order to determine whether cancer is present and how far it has spread. The advantages of transbronchial biopsies are that they are relatively easy

to do and give doctors a clear picture of tissue in the airways.


When Is It Used?


Transbronchial biopsies are often used to examine tissue or nodules in the airways.


What Happens During the Procedure?


The patient is given an intravenous sedation and a numbing spray in the throat to prevent gagging. The flexible bronchoscope is then inserted into the nose or mouth and fed down to the airways. Imaging, like an ultrasound or CT scan, helps doctors guide the bronchoscope to the right place. The bronchoscope contains a tiny light and camera for doctors to see inside the

lung. It also has small forceps used to remove tissue samples. Once the samples are collected, the tube is removed, and the samples are sent for pathologic and microscopic evaluation

6. What are lung Nodules ?

A lung nodule is a small growth in the lung. Benign nodules are noncancerous and do not spread to other parts of the body. Malignant nodules are cancerous and can grow or spread quickly.

Lung nodules are very common — in adults, they are visible on up to 50%Trusted Source of chest CT scans. Fortunately, fewer than 5% of lung nodules turn out to be cancerous.

In this article, we look at the possible causes of lung nodules, their symptoms, and how doctors diagnose and treat them.

A lung nodule does not always indicate lung cancer, and most of these nodules are noncancerous.

Noncancerous lung nodules can have a variety of causes, including:

  • Current infections: Infectious illnesses that affect the lungs, such as tuberculosis or fungal infections, can cause inflammation. A cluster of cells called a granuloma may form in an inflamed area, giving the appearance of a nodule.
  • Past infections: An area of scarring from a previous infection can also show up as a nodule on a scan.
  • Noninfectious inflammation: Inflammation that does not stem from an infection can also form nodules in the lung. The underlying cause may be rheumatoid arthritis or sarcoidosis, for example.
  • Noncancerous tumors: Other noncancerous growths, such as a pulmonary hematoma, may develop in the lung.

If a lung nodule is malignant, prompt treatment is necessary.

If any growth in the lung is larger than 3 centimeters (cm), about 1.2 inches, doctors refer to it as a “mass.” Lung masses are more likely to be cancerous, so doctors consider them to be indications of cancer unless testing shows that they are benign.

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